Vol.47 Tokyo☟
What are you for a Creature
A Group Exhibition curated by Finn Ryan and Chloe Paré @NAM NAM SPACE Tokyo
14-15 October 2023
Drawing by Sayaka Maruyama

About the Exhibition

what are you for a creature
12:00 - 19:00

'What Are You For A Creature’ is a pop-up event where visitors can assemble their own wearable art pieces using modular shapes, created in collaboration with six practitioners.

In "what are you for a creature" a transhumanist approach re-evaluates the malleability of the human with organic plasmaticness. Inspired by Sergei Eisenstein's writings on plasmatic animalisation, Donna Haraway's feminist cyborgs, and Robert McRuer's anticapitalist queer crip theory, we provide a setting where visitors are encouraged to experiment with the fluidity of form using the infinitely re-shapeable modular objects provided.
The desire to transcend our limited form is one inherent in our physical make-up; that force which pushes life-forms to evolve since the first microbes on Earth is now cognised in the human mind's dissatisfaction with its own body. In pursuit of freedom from ossification we push for the cyborg, merging our humanity with the infinite potential of future technology. Our organic constitution is one just as capable of transcendence; in returning to the amoebic proto-plasm of our origin we are liberated from once-and-forever allotted form, and gain the opportunity to explore infinite possibilities of becoming.
Metamorphose yourselves, create unique bodies suited for each individual, and gain autonomy over your own physical presentation and existence.

Dan Dagondon @dumadagondon
Nat Decker @cripfantasy
Our Rags Magazine @ourragsmagazine
Sayaka Maruyama @sayaka_maruyama_
Chloe Paré #chloepare
SKWAT @skwat.site
Daphne Mohaier va Pesaran @daphne mvp
br>br> The project is realised in collaboration with SKWAT, a multidisciplinary collective catalysing new uses of existing spaces, that has provided repurposed fabrics and material for the realisation.
Video ©️Maressa Jorge
Drawings of Sayaka Maruyama
Photography ©️Sareena Sattapon
Drawings of Sayaka Maruyama
Venue: NAMNAM スペース


"What are you for a creature”(生き物としてのあなた)ではトランスヒューマニストのアプローチから有機的であり、かつ原形質である人間の可塑性を再評価します。セルゲイ・エイゼンシュテインの原形質性に関する論考、ダナ・ハラウェイのフェミニスト・サイボーグ、ロバート・マクルーアの反資本主義的クイア・クリップ理論に触発され、無限に形状を変えるモジュールを通じて来場者に形の流動性を実験する環境を提供します。

One of the curators : Finn RyanVideo ©️Maressa Jorge
Photography ©️Sareena Sattapon
shot @konomadic
Drawings of Sayaka Maruyama
Drawings of Sayaka Maruyama
Drawings of Sayaka Maruyama
NAM NAM SPACE : Photography ©️Sareena Sattapon
Opening 13th Oct